
How to Be Interesting

Posted by Call Me Amaesing | Posted in | Posted on 10:34 PM

Quoted from Russell Davies, Planner and Planning Blog Guru

1. Take at least one picture everyday. Post it to Flickr. You should carry a camera with you. A phonecam will do. The act of carrying a camera and always keeping an eye out for a picture to take changes the way you look at the world. It makes you notice more things. It keeps you tuned in.

2. Start a blog. Write at least one sentence every week. It's easy to knock blogging as a kind of journalism of the banal, but in some ways that's its strength. Bloggers don't go out and investigate things (mostly): they're not in exciting or glamorous places: they're not given a story but have to build one out of the everyday lives they lead. And this makes them good at noticing things; things that others might have not seen. Being a blogger and feeling the need to write about stuff makes you pay attention to more things, makes you go out and see more stuff, makes you carry a notebook, keeps you tuned in to the world.

3. Keep a scrapbook. I've talked about this before. It's good. Do it.

4. Every week, read a magazine you've never read before. Interesting people are interested in all sorts of things. That means they explore all kinds of worlds: they go places they wouldn't expect to like and work out what's good an interesting there. An easy way to do this is with magazines. Specialist magazines let you explore the solar system of human activities from your armchair. Try it; it's fantastic.

5. Once a month interview someone for 20 minutes. Work out how to make them interesting. Podcast it. Again, being interesting is about being interested. Interviewing is about making the other person the star and finding out what they know or think that's interesting. Could be anyone: a friend, a colleague, a stranger, anyone.

6. Collect something. It would be anything. It could be pictures of things. But become an expert in something unexpected and unregarded. Develop a passion. Learn how to communicate that to other people without scaring them off. Find the other few people who share your interest. Learn how to be useful in that community.

7. Once a week sit in a coffee-shop or cafe for an hour and listen to other people's conversations. Take notes. Blog about it. (Carefully). Take little dips in other people's lives. Listen to their speech patterns and their concerns. Try and get them down on paper. (Don't let them see. Try not to get beaten up.) Don't force it; don't hop from table to table in search of better eavesdropping, just bask in the conversation that come your way.

8. Every month write 50 words about one piece of visual art, one piece of writing, one piece of music, and one piece of film or TV. Do other art forms if you can. Blog about it.

9. Make something. Do something with your hands. Create something from nothing. It could be knots; it could be whittling, Lego, cake or knitting. Take some time to get outside your head. Ideally, make something you have no idea how to do. People love people who can make things. Making's the new thinking. Share your things on your blog, or, if you're brilliant, maybe you can share them on etsy.

10. Read. Great places to start:
Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud
The Mezzanine by Nicholson Baker
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte.
All these books are good for their own reasons, but they're also good examples of people who are really interested in stuff that others think of as banal and who explain it in a way that makes you share their passion. That's good.


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