
Creatives: Cold Floor or Bad Blood Circulation?

Posted by Call Me Amaesing | Posted in | Posted on 1:40 AM

My "Think Piece 1" for Peter Sheldon's Advertising 450 class.

Creatives: Cold Floor or Bad Blood Circulation?

I’ve decided to make this “Think Piece” not geared towards the ads I saw (or didn’t see) during the Superbowl tonight, but rather something I keep stumbling upon reading endless advertising articles and books regarding Creatives; they think better with their feet on their desks. I’m not saying that I read this verbatim, but however, many Creatives being quoted on how they pity their friends who crunch numbers all day long while Creatives themselves get paid for showing up in their PJs and play around the office during their entire career. And most of all, they can behave in any manner they wish, including putting their relatively large feet on their workspace. This tidbit is usually accompanied with a picture on the lower left corner of the page of a Copyright with their feet up on their work desk, usually lost in a train of thought (or lack thereof). [Want proof? Flip to page 6 of The Robbs and Morrison reading assigned for this week] I began to wonder being a good Creative would mean that I would need to be proficient in ‘leg lifting’ or ‘ankle crossing’. Was there some unspoken knowledge that missed? Perhaps Directors believe that good copy came from those who thought on their feet.. wait...the opposite of that.

Perhaps being a Creative meant to defy all natural etiquette in a business setting. Creatives shall not wear a suit to work, they shall be fed pizza on a frequent basis, they shall be paid for thinking of taglines for a talking hotdog, and most importantly, they shall never place their feet where they should go; the floor. Maybe once I get that job I can start painting my toenails at work (they dry better in the air).


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