
1st Sox Game

Posted by Call Me Amaesing | Posted in | Posted on 10:28 PM

With the Sox ranked #1 now, and with me becoming more of a Sox fan everyday (sorry Cubbies), I felt that it would be appropriate that I post the pictures of my very first sox game that I went to a few weekends ago. My friend Kesha invited me to not only a free game, but a free game in the box suites!

Here's my view from my seat.

This is Kesha. My friend and co-RA of two years. She lived right above me as an RA on the second floor. I used her microwave too many times, and almost set the alarms off because I like my popcorn slightly burnt. Sorry Kesha. I also borrowed her Chocolat DVD and didn't return it until the school year ended. I also probably got her too drunk on many occasions. Why she invited me to this Sox game after all that I do not know. Probably because she felt bad for all the times she accidentally called me and I had to listen to the inside of her purse.

But hey, back to the game. This was my view. I must say, watching the innings pass with a silhouette of a pop can and a plate of food in front of me was kind of distracting. Maybe I should call and complain.

Brats, nachos, pecan caramel chocolate covered yummies, and pepsi to mix with my full bar.

This was spectacular! The clouds rolled in and sprinkled over Chicago a few times. We were well covered in our suite, but we watched all the people in the stands get up and walk to where they were under the overhang. Since it was a stop-and-go rain session, people got up to avoid the rain on several occasions. chuckle.

I believe that the Sox ended up winning this game as well, which makes victory sweet. So very, very sweet.


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