
Bubble Magnets II

Posted by Call Me Amaesing | Posted in , , , | Posted on 3:11 PM

If you knew anything about me, you'd know that once I start something, I complete go all-in and blow it kinda out of proportion. So I have invested too much money making more bubble magnets. The good thing is that at least I really enjoy doing it, especially on a hot sunny day when I decide that I should stop taking 3 hr tanning sessions outside.

While waiting for my sunburn to settle, I grab all my supplies. Oh. I should mention that the previous post regarding bubble magnets used a 1'' circle punch because the glass gems were smaller, and because all the stores around my house (all three: hobby lobby, Michaels, and Joann's) all sell the larger version of them, I had to purchase a 1 - 1/8'' circle punch online (and yes, the 1/8th DOES make a huge difference).

Patterned paper, circle punch, Mod Podge, brush, 3/4'' circle magnets [they come in packs of 50], glass gems, hot glue gun, ipod player, and a long afteroon.

All fired up and ready to roll

I couldn't find this specific circle punch ANYWHERE in the stores, so I had to purchase online.
Waiting 5 days for shipping was slowly eating me away.

But once it came in, I was ecstatic. Funny thing was that it shipped in a large cardboard box about 500x its size, which made me scared that I might have purchased something like a 1'1/8'' hole punch (which I don't think exists)

Anywho, find your favorite patterned paper with good designs and high contrast, and punch away. It's actually very fun, so see how many circles you can get from a 12'x12' piece of paper. I feel like a pro at this now.

Once you're done making lots of circles, grab a brush and a eensy tiny bit of mod podge and dab it on the front side of the circle, then place the glass gem over. Make sure to rub the bottom of the paper well to cover all the edges, this is important when drying.

Look at how fun!

Green and Pink

This pattern is one of my favorites. The design fits perfectly!

Light pink with subtle brown design!

Bold black and pink, a classic.

These are my 3/8'' circle magnets. All separated and ready for glue.

Flip the gem over to its back.

Small dollop of hot glue.

Then quickly add a magnet and press down for 10 seconds.

Then you're done!!
Now you are ready to hit the fridges, dry erase boards, metal frames, and your aunt's replaced hips (nevermind, I found out that hip replacements are made from titanium).

Look how nice these turned out. I think this pattern is my favorite.


black and white

My second favorite.

3rd favorite.

May have gotten a little overboard...

But anywho, which pattern is YOUR favorite? I need some input so I know which kinds to make more of. Me and my brother are going to buy a space for our town's flea markets, where he will be selling his plants (horticulture major) and I will be selling various craft projects like these and possibly some cupcakes! It should be fun!


Posted by Call Me Amaesing | Posted in | Posted on 11:52 AM

With the help of my friends, I have found a new inspiring site showing awesome photography.
It's called StudioThisIs
They are based off of Valparasio, IN, but they do a lot of photoshoots in the Chicago area.
Once you enter the site, you'll get sucked into it all.

So beautiful.

Indian Advertisement

Posted by Call Me Amaesing | Posted in , , | Posted on 5:00 PM

It's pretty good

Bubble Magnets

Posted by Call Me Amaesing | Posted in , , | Posted on 5:36 PM

So if you read the post below, I've graduated and moved back home. I have one week before I start work, so I will take advantage of sleeping in, being a bum, wearing comfortable clothes, and catching up one some crafts that have been on my to-do list for quite some time. What's worse than packing up your college life in several boxes, suitcases, plastic storage bins, craft boxes, and garbage bags? unpacking them. So I don't think I will. Unpacking really sucks.

I woke up this morning and pulled out some crafts from one of my moving boxes. Inside was a bag of glass circles for flower vases, hot glue gun, some Mod Podge I purchased from the store, 3 packs of 8 circle magnets, some cupcake stickers and embellishments and some scrapbooking paper. I spent some time tracing circles and cutting them out (at one point I realized I had a circle cutter from Friskars but my circles were either too large or too small).

It happened

Posted by Call Me Amaesing | Posted in , , | Posted on 4:54 PM

View more graduation photos HERE

The Bread Company: Fondue

Posted by Call Me Amaesing | Posted in , , | Posted on 11:34 AM

Last week I went with Allen Hall's French Club to The Bread Company for their annual fondue meal, a large meal that's paid for by University Housing group budgets (which made me think I should have done something with my leftover budget for Arts and Crafts Club..) Every year the RA leads a group they want to start, or continue in the dorms, and we then request funding for it for the entire school year, mainly to help with programing costs (supplies, transportation if needed, etc). At the end of the year, we sometimes come across a large pool of money leftover, and what better to use it on than a meal (relevant, of course to the group). So..French Club goes and eats French food (even though I think fondue is Swiss... close enough).
Anyway, The Bread Company is located only a block away from the dorm, and serves delicious European inspired dishes, mosly Swiss and French. They also put out tables, chairs, and large umbrellas during nice weather for those who want to mingle outside for their meals. But since we're such a large group we decided to stay indoors for this.
With that being said, I'm technically not in French Club, I don't even speak French, other than the Bonjour! Au Revoir! and Nutella. I've learned Spanish in school for about 7 years, and have little to show with my fleeting memory skills. But I have gone to this fondue event last year, and only seemed relevant that I show up again. With a 3 dollar deposit to cover gratuity, the smell of infused hot oil, cheeses I can't pronunce, and melted chocolate seemed right that I were to "chaperone" this event again.
Here's the lucky group of 15 that came to this event. All waiting patiently as our food is arranged. All with our little pokey sticks (not sure on the correct term for it) on hand.

The first dishes that come out are plates of raw beef chunks, seasoned with rosemary and various spices. In the middle is a smaller pot of roasted potatoes, seasoned in olive oil. Plates of raw veggies also come with, along with bowls of Swiss bread pieces for dipping.

A pot of hot, infused oil is brought out, that's where you dip your meat in. And then another pot of melted cheese is placed. right. in. front. of. me. and that's where you immerse your bread chunks, veggies, and potato wedges. Needless to say, our end of the table ran out of cheese relatively fast, and had to steal some from the other pots. hehe.

After all the meats, breads, and veggies were eaten and there was nothing left to scrape from the pots, we were excited to know that we still had a round of desserts next. Pots of high quality melted dark chocolate came out, and then came the plates.

Oh man. the plates of pears, strawberries, coffee cake, and apple wedges were even drizzled with chocolate before we even had to dip them in more chocolate. Who could resist taking a piece to eat before we all started poking eveything and headed straight towards bubbling chocolate?

" yummm" Was all I could hear across the long table.

Chocolate pots empty, and heating elements blown out, all of us were sad to wobble our way back to the dorms. What a great way to end the French Club, with full stomachs and a new phrase.

"Je suis heureuse" (I am happy)